Teaching in the Trenches: How to Survive the Stress Bubble

8 Strategies For Surviving I absolutely love teaching! I love teaching music! But there have been MANY times I thought of leaving the profession. At those times, I had to dig deep and remember my calling. I’ve had to look at other jobs and think, “What would those be like,” ultimately deciding that I didn’t …

It’s Easier Than You Think To Land That Next Teaching Job

Spend some time on your resume’ (but not too much). Some of this may depend on what point you are at in your career, but generally speaking, prospective employers don’t care that… They might care that… What they care about the most… Have an expert look at your resume’. When I say expert, I mean …

Teaching the Heterogeneous Beginning Band: The One Person Show 

Guest Post by Gary Barton Though heterogeneous beginning band means that all instruments are being taught simultaneously in one room, the scenario may not be the same from school to school.  Some schools have mixed instrument classes but more than one teacher may be assigned. I have seen classes with just one teacher, but other …

When A Life Is Lost

Three community members in a two month period! A couple of years ago, we lost the district superintendent. She was hit while riding her bike – and many in our community witnessed it happening! Shortly after, a student was killed in a car accident. Soon after that, a student committed suicide. WE got the word …

A Master’s Degree for less than $9,000

A Master’s Degree does not have to cost a fortune. I earned mine for less than $9,000 at www.swosu.edu NO, it wasn’t when dinosaurs roamed the earth. I completed a master’s at the age of 45 in 2012. Read more in this article. www.jamesdivine.net www.jazzysaxman.com

Advice For Leading Your First High School Parade

Teaching a Brand New Drum Major The first and most important thing is to teach the drum major how to sound a roll off, usually in conjunction with the drummers. Here’s a decent example of a roll-off. Have your drummers learn a cadence. When the drum major wants the band to play, he/she will blow …

You’re Not Going To Reach Every Student Every Time

+ 6 More Tips #1 Get To Know The Secretaries and Custodians I taught high school for 13 years. We had an outstanding secretary named Joyce. We became friends. Even after she retired and moved away, I went to visit her and her husband. She set the tone for the entire school culture with her …

Why Are The Flutes Better Behaved Than The Drummers

Have you ever noticed that the flutes are often the best behaved students in the band while the drummers…well, you know! YOU can do a few simple things to turn this around. It’s not that flutes are better than percussionists. The saxes are the absolute best section. Podium The podium FEELS safe, but it can …

I Know Exactly How To Fail at Work Life Balance. I Burned Out – TWICE!!!!I

I know exactly how to fail at work life balance. I burned out – TWICE!!!! It happened at my first teaching job about 6-7 years in. I was determined not to let it happen again. It happened at my 2nd teaching job about 11–12 years in. I was determined not to let it happen again. …

Christmas Is The Worst Time To Have a Concert

I’m NOT against Christmas – I promise Those who know me well know I have a strong faith in Jesus Christ, and Christmas is an important holiday in that faith, but I quit doing Christmas concerts decades ago. So much is happening in December already! Everybody seems to be putting on a performance. Every school …

Practice Tips – Plus THE BIG LIE About Practicing

The Big Lie One of the biggest lies we’ve told students – not on purpose – is that practice makes perfect. Not true! Perfect practice makes perfect! But most students don’t know how to practice. Early in my career I often had students fill out impressive practice logs with 10 hours a week of practice. …

Classroom Discipline Techniques Guaranteed To Work (most of the time)

No single method of discipline will work for every student in every situation. Each student is different and may need a different approach. And the student who always does what they’re supposed to but is having a bad day will require a different approach than a student who never does what they’re supposed to. It’s …

Teachers – Do This The First Week of School

Establish AND Practice Routines and Procedures The time you invest early in the school year in processes and procedures will pay HUGE dividends throughout the year! Teachers often tell me,  “I just don’t have time to spend on procedures.”   I understand that we all want to perform the best that we can at concerts, and …

The Great Yogi Berra Tries To Explain Jazz

I saw this posted recently. I don’t know if it’s a true story, but it definitely sounds like how Yogi would explain jazz.  Interviewer: Can you explain jazz? Yogi: I can’t, but I will. 90% of all jazz is half improvisation. The other half is the part people play while others are playing something they …

Why I Love The Saxophone

When it comes to musical instruments, the saxophone stands apart as a true masterpiece. With its unparalleled ability to evoke emotion, its versatile sound range, and its captivating blend of elegance and energy, the saxophone has rightfully earned its place as one of the most beloved and revered instruments in the world of music. Recently …

Take This Job and Love It

I’m a band teacher and belong to several social media sites where other members can post questions, express struggles, and share resources. It’s great most of the time, but I have noticed a disturbing trend where, when responding to a member’s difficult situation – instead of posting helpful advice – members post responses like this: …

Get started writing a book

Get Started Writing a Book

Do you have an idea for a book or article? Many people dream of writing a book, but they don’t ever start.Starting is probably the most important thing to do! Get started writing a book.. Follow these steps: Set a goal Don’t worry about editing or proofreading If you follow these steps, you will be …

That’s My Orchestra Teacher

I was driving and stopped to get gas and a drink at a local store when I heard a loud exclamation… “ Hey everybody – that’s my orchestra teacher.” I didn’t recognize the young lady the exclamation came from, but upon further inquiry, I found out she was a student of mine from 4-5 years …

Teaching Great Concert Etiquette to the Audience and Performers

You walk into a concert hall and are bombarded with crying babies, cell phones ringing, people talking on their cell phones, people playing games, cat calls to band members, and doors opening and closing in the back. It’s frustrating. It’s disrespectful. Proper concert behavior can and should be taught to the audience and the band …